The contemplative retreat according to Franz Jalics is characterised by a step–by–step approach to the Jesus Prayer with a great simplicity. In turning to the name of Jesus, imperceptibly transformation happens. The silent repetition of his name leads us to ourselves, to our own depth and opens us to the presence of God. The structure of the retreat is based in several hours of silent meditation together, in continuous silence during the day, with a daily Eucharist and with Chi Kung exercises. The accompaniment takes place both in the daily exchange in the group and in a complementary personal form.
No experience of meditation is required, but a normal psychological mental resilience and the willingness to engage in an inner process and accompaniment.
Accompanied by: Karin Seethaler and Javier Melloni SJ
Date: 21.06.2023 (7.00 pm) – 30.06.2023 (9.00 am)
Place: At the Center of Spirituality of the Cave of Saint Ignatius in Manresa
Price: 500 €
Registration: Tel.: +34 93 872 04 22 or Mail:
The retreat will be cancelled at the end of April 2023 if there are less than 10 participants.